
Information about our Departments & Faculties

Jakir Hossain Institute of Polytechnic aims to provide excellent faculties for teaching & training of its students. The Institute has adequate number of highly qualified and distinguished faculty members, both experienced & talented, in all the fields of Engineering and Science. The AICTE norms for Faculty Student ratio of 1:20 has been maintained.

Jakir Hossain Institute of Polytechnic offers five courses 1. Civil Engineering (60) 2. Mechanical Engineering (60) 3. Electrical Engineering (60) 4. Computer Science & Technology (60) 5. Electronics & Telecommunication (60)
Duration of all courses - Three Years (Six Semesters). Norms and regulations & curriculum for courses are decided by the Apex body WBSCTE(West Bengal State Council of Technical Education). It has appointed sufficient number of highly qualified full time teaching staffs through advertisements in newspapers followed by interviews, conducted by properly constituted Selection Committee consisting of eminent personalities in the respective fields. Following are the Departments of Teaching faculties :-

About the Departments And The Faculty Names See In Bellow :

1. Department of Computer Science & Engg.
2. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
3. Civil Engineering
4. Electrical Engineering
5. Mechanical Engineering
6. Science And Humanities

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Contact Us

Vill- Hapania, P.O.- Dafahat,
City- Aurangabad, Dist.- Murshidabad
Telephone: (03485) 263921
FAX: (03485) 263921
Mobile:(+91) 9476307162
Toll Free : 1800-212-3400